David spent much of his life waiting: Waiting with the sheep; waiting to become king after Saul; waiting to see his vision of a Temple for the Lord come to fruition. But this time of waiting was not spent sitting still, at least not spiritually. It was during these times of waiting that God gave David the wisdom he would need for the next stage in his leadership journey.
A key part of that wisdom was learning to be patient when we see the apparent injustice in the world: at any given time, we can see wicked, evil people apparently prospering and having a good time, while good, innocent people suffer and are oppressed. Without God’s wisdom, we would be sorely tempted to give up on God’s way and join in with those who rebel against God.
Wisdom gives us the long view of life: despite the injustices of today, God’s righteousness will prevail. Everyone will reap what they have sown, in due time. God’s blessings are always worth the wait; sin’s pleasures are never worth the costs.
As you are waiting today in some area of your life, encourage your heart as David did, to delight yourself in the Lord, and trust in Him.