A wise person submits all of his life to God. “In all your ways” means all. My experience has been that every time I decide to manage some area of my life on my own, without the benefit of the wisdom, strength, and insight of God, that area ends up being a problem spot. Whenever we hang out a “no trespassing” sign to God and say, “thanks for your insight, but I will do this my way,” we inevitably make a mess.
Some folks look at their career ambition, their money, their choice of friends, their leisure time activity, their parenting skills, their marriage and say, “God I know what you think about this. I know what the Bible says. But I don’t want your advice. I want what I want.” Almost always those are the areas of your life that cause you the most pain and heartache.
If we submit all of our life to God, acknowledge him as the Wise One, who only wants our best, we reduce the troubles and messes in our life.
Is there somewhere in your life where you are refusing God’s wisdom? You know what is right, but you want what you want? Give it to God today. You will not regret it.