Here are four truths about life:
1. God has a promised land for every person. They will all look a little different because God tailors them specifically for each person, but God has a promised land, a place of purpose, a beautiful plan for your life.
2. The road to your promised land is sometimes hard. The grace of God has not removed the hardness from life. You will have to deal with some adversity and difficulty along the journey to God’s promised land.
3. The road to your promised land will have some obstacles. There will be potholes, pitfalls, and roadblocks along the way to block you from getting to where God wants you to go. The obstacles can be discouraging.
4. God always provides a way. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. He will provide a way over, around, or through the obstacles and difficulties to take you to that place where he wants you to be. So when life is hard and the obstacles are big, don’t panic. Take a deep breath.
Listen to God’s word about your promised land: “Don’t be afraid; stand firm. The Lord will fight for you; you just need to be still.”