How do you view the culture we live in today? Do you think American culture is a good thing for your family? What do we teach our children? I know these can be rather nebulous questions, but take a moment to reflect on how the culture in which you live impacts you daily.
In his book “Nurturing The Leader Within Your Child” Dr. Tim Elmore discusses three views on culture: isolation, saturation, and interpretation. Isolation is withdrawing from the culture staying as far away from mainstream society as possible in order to protect our families. Saturation implies that we give in to the norms of culture and simply drift along, absorbed by the trends of the modern day world.
Better than these extremes is interpretation, which encourages continuously engaging and exploring culture in order to utilize the best of what it offers, while simultaneously discerning where culture has gotten off course based on the timeless values of God’s Word.
» Is your family isolating, saturating, or interpreting the culture? How can you help them to interpret culture, and then train them to interpret culture for themselves based on scripture?
Proverbs 22:6