Life is like a treasure hunt, and we spend a lot of energy looking to find what we believe is the most valuable treasure. Most of the time, we focus our hunt on the physical and the material. I know a lot of people who have a lot of good, valuable things in their lives – good relationships, a good job, money in the bank, nice stuff, good kids. I know people who have more than enough to be contented, satisfied, at peace, but they aren’t. They never seem to have enough. They have found things that are valuable, but they have not found the treasure. Jesus, in this parable, is teaching that your hunt for the treasure must take you to the spiritual world. People, relationships, jobs, material things are important and have value, but they are not the treasure, because they don’t have the power to meet your deepest needs or to bring you your greatest fulfillment. They don’t last. People die, money doesn’t last, good health will fail one day. We should never expect anything that derives its life from God to meet all of our needs. The treasure is God himself. The treasure is knowing God, loving God, knowing Jesus as your Savior and living for Him. That is the treasure, and nothing can take that from you.
– Dr. Tim Thompson