Moses was called by God to deliver God’s People, but his anger got in the way. By losing his temper and killing an Egyptian, Moses derailed God’s plan for his life for many years. So it is perhaps surprising that in today’s scripture we are told that Moses was the meekest man who ever lived. What changed?
As we learned at the beginning of the year when studying the Beatitudes, meekness is not weakness. Meekness is power under control. Throughout the years that Moses spent in the desert, apparently accomplishing nothing, God was busy forming his inner character. The hardships of desert life, the necessity for a shepherd to be gentle with his sheep, were tools God was using to teach Moses meekness. When he finally returned to Egypt, he was ready to take on the enormous responsibility of leading God’s people, without abusing his God-given authority through anger.
When God calls you to great leadership, he will enroll you in the school of meekness. How is your training coming along?