Moses is speaking to the people of the nation of Israel and he reminds them “Bless the lord your God for the good land the he has given you. And take care that you do not forget the Lord your God by failing to keep his commandments.”
Do you think those words have any bearing on us today? Do you suppose that it is the Lord who makes this country what it is, and that if we ever forget him and no longer follow him that we will be in big trouble? Do you think that if we ever lose touch with God, who is the author of freedom, that we will be a nation that loses our freedom, not to mention our souls?
Alexis de Tocqueville came to America because he was fascinated by greatness of America and wanted to know what it work. He said, “I looked for the greatness of America in her fields and did not find it there. I looked for the greatness of America in her industries and did not find it there. But then I looked for the greatness of America in her churches and there I found it. America is great because America is good. If America ever loses her goodness, she will cease to be great.”
Remember, goodness is rooted in virtue and virtue is routed in relationship with God. Let us be a nation that does not forget our God.