David’s 23rd Psalm is certainly the most famous Psalm the world over. Perhaps that’s because this simple poem shares the very nature of God. In vivid imagery, David reveal who God is and what He is like.
By seeing God as a shepherd who leads His people, we learn that God provides, gives rest, restores, secures, guides, protects, cautions, comforts, feeds, anoints, loves, and shelters forever.
How does David know so much about God’s shepherd-like heart? Because he is a shepherd boy himself, later anointed as a shepherd king. He learned about God in the midst of his daily activities. How would you describe God? Write your own “Psalm 23” using contemporary images from your own profession or passion. You might write “The Lord is my teacher,” “my banker,” “my computer programmer,” or “my homemaker.”
Like David, the more clearly you can visualize who God is, and what His heart is like, the more you can begin to model that same heart in yourself.