Make sure you read the Scripture for today before you read on. God gives us
a money prayer. “God, I don’t want so much money that I forget my need for you, but neither do I want so little that I am tempted to do something that dishonors you. Give me enough money to meet my needs.” That is a prayer that God will answer.
Money can become a problem and a stress point for us when we worship it, fall in love with it, refuse to separate our needs from our wants, or allow our consumerist culture to become our God. Because we live in a culture that defines people and their worth by what they own, wear, or look like, we have a hard time separating what we need from what we want.
God promises to supply our needs. Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us our daily bread.” Remember there are only a few simple things, such as food, clothing and shelter that are necessary to maintain life. Everything else is fluff. God doesn’t teach us to pray for the fluff, but to pray for enough money to meet our daily needs.
» Take time today to personalize and pray back this “money prayer” to God.