Have you ever been the only outsider at someone else’s family gathering? It
can be an awkward experience. Everyone else has a bond, a common history and a heritage, that you aren’t a part of. Most likely you are of Gentile descent. For much of history, that would have put you on the outside of God’s people. The descendents of Abraham had the promises and presence of God in a way others did not.
But the cross changed all that. God still makes special promises to Abraham’s offspring, but now, by faith in Christ, we Gentiles have become a part of that family. We now share a common family, for through Jesus we now call upon the one true God as our Heavenly Father.
Take time this week to notice the “outsiders” in your neighborhood, your workplace, your school, even your church. Go out of your way to make them feel welcome, a part of the family. Remember, you were once an outsider, but not through Christ God has brought you into the family circle.
Ephesians 2:13-19