Have you heard of the new form of slavery in America? Maybe you are a slave
today and don’t even know it. In history we read of “indentured slaves,” but in America today we have created “indebted slaves” through our “buy now andpay later” schemes.
It sounds harsh, but the truth often does. Our nation, our government, our states, our cities, and our families are experiencing incredible debt unseen in all of human history. When we are in debt, we are unable to participate in the best of what God offers. We are incapable of being part of His kingdom- building plans. We are slaves to this world. We are slaves to money. We are slaves to our bills. We are slaves to our work. We are slaves to our wants. We are slaves!
God weeps for the indebted slaves for they cannot experience the freedom found in God. They cannot reside in the abundant life of Christ for they are locked away in the darkness of debt, slaving away, surviving one more day on the “buy now and pay later” merry-go-round! Isn’t it time to get off?
» Are you financially free? If not, ask God today to break the chains of debt and show you the path out to freedom.