The day after a funeral is such a hollow, empty day. Everyone has gone home and you are left profoundly wearied, emotions worn and raw. There is a different kind of silence now that has very little to do with noise. There is a void in the house and in your heart. You know things will never be the same, and you wonder if there will ever be joy again in your life. You want to crawl under the covers and stay there never to come out again. Frankly, you don’t know what to do next.
There are many ‘day afters’ in life: the day after your spouse walked out, the day after you heard the diagnosis of cancer, and the day after you lost your job. The day after Jesus’ death was one of those ‘day afters’ for the disciples. He was their best friend, their constant companion, the one who they lived for. They had bet their whole lives on Jesus and now he was dead. And on this ‘day after’ they hid, afraid of the future without him, uncertain of what to do next. But the ‘day after’ passed and Easter came. And Jesus wasn’t dead – he was alive! And their short sadness was replaced by the joy of his presence. And he said he would be with them forever.
» Thank God today that Easter means that all of the ‘day afters’ are temporary!