Ukraine has been such a totally new experience for me. Since I have been here God has really taken me out of my comfort zone, and has shown me the selfish ways I have that I never new existed. The food, culture, living conditions, even the water is not the same. I have realized definitely how blessed I am to have what I use to think was so little,if I compared it to what my my friends have. I am blessed that God spoke to the people at Frazer UMC, because through them I am able to be here in Ukraine writing to you guys. I do not know how to thank you guys in words, so I am going to show my gratitude by spreading the gospel and showing God’s love to m Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
One of the most amazing experiences I have had during this mission trip is learning the language. This language has helped me so much with communicating to the people here. I feel when I speak to them in their language they get comfortable with me, and it makes me feel so special. I am not saying that I am fluent in Russian tongue, but I have learned the basics for conversation starters. I have realized even though we speak different and look different, we are the same. Our differences are only skin deep. I must admit that sharing the gospel is very challenging, because we don’t speak alike; but spreading God’s love is the easiest and most humbling experience that we can do, and have done to the best of our abilities that without even using our mouths but actions we have shown.
The beautiful child