Today was a hot one! We made a bucket line and took 480 (thank you trey perdue) or so buckets down a steep incline of slippery wet rocks and a mini ditch! Don’t worry we’re all still in one piece. After much sweat some blood and a few very manly grunts we made it through our first project! We then progressed on to our rubar assignment where I got told I was Marco’s number 1 heffa! ( I was unsure what this meant since heffer where I come from means fat cow!) I was impressed with the technique and tools used during this foundation building it was really interesting to see how others worked to build their homes. We had lunch and then worked some more in the afternoon heat before heading back to the hotel and taking some much needed showers! Then we had dinner and devo again tonight as we discussed our God moments 1 came to mind today when a little Dominican child was helping us take the buckets that were twice his size down the line while we were trying to pass water up the line. Some of us got skipped and were looking around for a friend to share with, he saw me thirsty and tired and offered me his cup. He wasn’t worried about wether he would get another cup or wether he was thirsty he just wanted me to be taken care of. I was amazed at his kindness and I tried to relate it back to America but I don’t know that we are as thoughtful as these people are. I pray that we all come back a little more compassionate than what we left.
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Thank you so much for your updates! They make me feel like I am there!