better Dominican driver than American seeing as stop signs and turn signals really mean nothing here. The only rule is that the bigger the vehicle and the louder the horn the better off you are…I’m so happy we are in a bus! But anyway we arrived at the mission where we all took in the best view of all Santo Domingo. We then went into the building for church the people of Ceilo were having worship service in Spanish and I thought how difficult it was going to be to worship and have no idea what they were saying. But as soon as the welcome was over and the band got started the music was somewhat familiar and it was then that I realized the song they were singing was “I could sing of your love forever” as I turned to Kasey and smiled ( she had to start me out on the words because I couldn’t remember them even in English) you have no idea how pumped I was once I figured it out and was able to sing this song very loudly in English while every one around me was belting it out in Spanish. It sent chills down my arms and legs as I felt God in that room more than I have ever felt him before. Then Patrick did a really great job giving the message with a translator and watching the faces and reactions of the Dominicans was really powerful as well.